Our workman’s trio of winter necessities bundled together to keep workers warm & toasty on cold winter days. BONUS - 1 Sock Sack Boxed for Gift Giving
1 - Traditional work sock with sock-monkey signature red stripe
1 - Terry Sock with sock-monkey signature red stripe
1 - Alpaca toque (50% alpaca 50% acrylic) Shown (charcoal) may be subsitututed with “graphite” a slightly lighter charcoal.
A word about sock sizing & care - All our alpaca socks are UNISEX unless otherwise noted. UNISEX - small 5-8, medium 8-11, large 11-13 CARE: Gently wash by hand or on gentle machine cycle in COLD water. Lay flat to air-dry NEVER put an alpaca sock in the dryer. The heat and moisture will felt the sock! Consider the use of a “Laundry Bag” to keep socks separate during the wash!